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Learning Commons
College Center, 2nd floor
Associate Dean:
Rob Umbaugh, 970.339.6237
Staff Specialist:
Russell Iverson, 970.339.6229
Program Coordinator of Computer Learning Lab and Tutoring Services:
Mary Gabriel, 970.339.6248
Administrative Support:
Michelle Ramirez, 970.339.6465
Lead Librarian:
Ellen Willis, 970.339.6347
The Learning Commons provides numerous services to students and faculty in support of their educational goals and objectives. Located on the second floor of the College Center, this area includes the Computer Learning Lab, Kiefer Library and Tutoring Services. The friendly and welcoming atmosphere fosters learning, independent study, and collaborative effort to support student success. Here you will find open-use computers, the library collection, and tutoring assistance, along with wireless access, group study rooms, casual seating, and a reading room. Knowledgeable staff have expertise in academic, library, career, and technical areas. For additional information and hours of operation, please see our website listed below.
- Large number of PC and Mac computers loaded with current software
- NOOK readers loaded with e-books are available for checkout to students
- Laptop computers are available for 7-day checkout to students
- Two group study rooms and a relaxed reading room
- Unlimited computer time (depending on open hours and availability)
- Fast Internet connection and wireless capability
- Copiers, scanners, and printers for general use
- Assistance with the Disability Access Services lab and equipment
- Curriculum support across disciplines, including CIS, Business Technology, AutoCAD, Graphics Technology and various programming languages
- Interactive software for reading, math, intensive English, and English as a Second Language
- Drop-in tutoring available in math, English, writing, reading, and limited science
- Individual, group, and Guided Study Group tutoring for selected subjects
- Writing Center for assistance with college papers
- Online tutoring available
- Library collection includes print, DVD, audio book, and electronic materials
- 24/7 access to full-text books, periodical articles, and databases
- 24/7 virtual reference through Ask Academic
- Remote access to electronic library materials through the library web page at
- Course textbooks available for 2-hour checkout
Greeley Campus
College Center, 2nd Floor, South Wing
Computer Learning Lab and Tutoring Services 970.339.6541
Kiefer Library 970.339.6458
Computer lab, library, and tutoring services are also available at the following locations:
Fort Lupton Campus
Room 108A, 303.718.5905
Loveland Campus Room 105.1 and 105.2, 970.667.4611, ext. 3304
For additional information and hours of operation, please visit our website:
Learning & Organizational Development
Westview, Room 660
Associate Dean:
Rob Umbaugh, 970.339.6237
Staff Specialist:
Russell Iverson, 970.339.6229
Learning & Organizational Development is the area that addresses college-wide learning needs. This area encompasses services that support the lifelong learning skills of students. Additionally it addresses the college-wide needs for organizational development by creating learning opportunities for faculty, staff and administrators through both the Center for Professional Development and Faculty Teaching & Learning Center.
The departments within the Learning & Organizational Development area are:
Center for Professional Development/Faculty Teaching & Learning Center at Aims Community College
Employee professional development at Aims provides a variety of learning opportunities to faculty and staff, teams, and departments.
This area is available to help employees create learning opportunities which demonstrates the philosophy behind our approach to learning centeredness.
Westview, Room 660
Jennifer Naimark
Learning Communities
The Learning Community Program at Aims Community College is designed to help students form connections for academic and social support by taking classes together as a group. Each learning community consists of classes (usually 2-3) scheduled in a cluster. Faculty teaching courses in the community work together to link class topics and assignments.
Participation in a learning community can make your academic experiences at Aims Community College more stimulating and enjoyable.
- Research shows that students in learning communities tend to be more successful in college than their peers.
- Learning community students typically discover they feel more comfortable on campus.
- Students make friends more easily, create a network of fellow students and faculty for academic assistance, and get better grades.
Learning communities are organized to fulfill a variety of educational needs so students can make steady progress toward their degree while taking interesting classes. The faculty members participating in the Learning Community Program are among the best teachers on campus, and their commitment to the program is an example of their interest in creating an active learning environment that supports each student’s academic and personal development.
Consult an advisor for more information about learning communities at Aims.
Program Contact:
Rob Umbaugh
Supplemental Instruction (SI )
The Supplemental Instruction Program at Aims Community College is committed to helping students learn more systematically by providing avenues for organized group study. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a method of academic support that has proven effective in improving student academic success in courses with traditionally high D, F, and withdrawal rates. Supplemental Instruction initiatives at Aims actively address issues regarding student learning, persistence and retention. Aims’ program is designed to provide academic support for courses that have historically high withdrawal and failure rates based on internal and external statistics.
The SI model has proven to be nationally effective. Students who participate in SI have seen the following:
- Higher mean final grades than those who do not participate
- Lower percentage of withdrawals and final grades of D or F than students who do not participate in SI, regardless of prior academic achievement of the students
- Higher retention and graduation rates than those who do not participate, regardless of the prior academic achievement of the students
Jennifer Naimark
970.339.6649 |