Return to: Services for Students
College Center
Stuart Thomas
Jody Margheim
Aims does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to, treatment of, or employment in its educational programs or activities.
A completed Application for Admission is required for all new students and students returning after an absence of one year. This applies to all students, including those taking courses for self-improvement or personal interest only. No admission fee is required.
Some programs, such as Radiologic Technology, require a separate, additional application for admission into the program to be submitted to the specific division. Admission to the College does not imply entry into any program which has selective admission standards. The College may deny admission or re-enrollment to individuals who cannot benefit from the programs/courses offered or if an applicant’s mental or physical disability may, in the opinion of the College, appear to be impractical or dangerous.
Some students may be required to enroll in specific preparatory courses in reading, writing, and mathematics in order to advance to college-level courses. (See Assessment Requirements).
Aims Community College does not require (but strongly encourages) immunization for measles or other diseases prior to admission. Students are urged to consult their personal health care provider regarding potential health risks.
Tuition Classification
Students pay in-state or out-of-state tuition based on their residency status in Colorado. Students must live in Colorado for 365 days before the first day of class and have taken steps to make Colorado their permanent home (such as getting a driver’s license, filing Colorado state taxes, etc). Students under 22 are eligible for in-state tuition if a parent meets residency requirements. In addition, students who have lived in Colorado for at least one year, qualifies for in-state tuition, and lives in the Aims tax district may qualify for the in-district tuition rate.
Initial Classification
Initial Residency Classification for tuition purposes is made at the point of admission based upon information the student supplies in the Application for Admission. Failure to answer all questions on the Application or failure to supply any requested documentation results in the student being classified as Unknown and the student will be charged the Out-of-State tuition rate.
Changes in Tuition Classification
Students who are classified as Unknown can fill out an Application Addendum and return it to the Admissions & Records Office for reclassification. Students will remain responsible for paying their student account based on the out-of-state rate until their Colorado residency is determined.
Individuals who were initially classified as Out-of-State, but feel they meet the requirements for in-state tuition should submit a petition for in-state tuition classification at the Admissions and Records office.
The burden of proof rests upon the petitioner who has the responsibility to submit a petition with the required documentation in a timely manner. Only photocopies of requested documents should be submitted with the petition because all information submitted becomes part of the person’s permanent record and cannot be returned to the petitioner.
Students remain a non-resident until they have received notification from the Tuition Classification Officer indicating a residency change has been approved. Students who are petitioning for in-state tuition classification remain responsible for paying their student account based upon their current tuition classification.
Application Addendums should be returned to Admissions as soon as possible, but no later than the drop deadline.
Completed petitions may be submitted to the Admissions and Records office as early as 90 days prior to the term for which the individual desires a change in classification BUT NO LATER THAN THE FIRST CLASS DAY OF THE TERM. The student should allow a minimum of two weeks for the petition to be processed. If additional information is required, it must be submitted within 15 days from the original petition unless special arrangements are made with the Tuition Classification Officer.
Any student who is denied in-state tuition classification by the Tuition Classification Officer may appeal that decision to the Registrar. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Registrar no later than two weeks after the denial decision has been sent to the student. The Registrar will provide the student with instructions regarding the appeals process. The decision of the Registrar is the final College determination. There can be no retroactive changes in classification.
Get Started and Campus Tours
If you have questions before you apply to Aims, come to a Get Started Session. During the one-hour session, an advisor answers questions about Aims programs, the application process, assessment requirements and what to do if you need help paying for college. Weather permitting, a tour of the campus may be included. You will find dates, times and location of Get Started sessions posted on the Aims events calendar at Contact an Admissions Advisor to arrange a tour.
Greeley Campus:
- 970.339.6477
- 970.339.6239
- 970.339.6292
Fort Lupton Campus:
Loveland Campus
Or you can e-mail us at:
Contact the Disability Access Services office 970.339.6388 or e-mail a minimum of one week in advance of the Get Started session if you need accommodation.
Admission Procedure
For Domestic Students:
- Submit a completed Application for Admission.
- If pursuing an Aims certificate or degree program and a high school or other college was previously attended, you may wish to provide an official transcript of high school or college credits or a certified record of GED completion or ACT/SAT scores. This may exempt you from some or all of the assessment test requirement. (see the Advising / Assessment )
- If transferring credits, see TRANSFER CREDIT section for procedure (see Transfer Credit and Credit for Prior Learning ).
- Students under age 18 must have the signature of their parent or legal guardian on the Application for Admission.
- Students under age 16 are required to complete additional steps for admission and registration. Contact the Student Success Center at 970-339-6251 for details.
Admissions for International Students
You are an international student who is seeking admission to Aims Community if you are a non-U.S. citizen or non-U.S. permanent resident and have completed high school. Applicants seeking an F-1 student visa are required to provide:
- An International Student Application.
- A Financial Support Statement, along with bank statements or letters of Financial Guarantee.
- Proof of English proficiency.
- Official high school transcript verifying proof of graduation/completion.
- Official college/university transcripts.
- A copy of a valid passport.
- Proof of current and adequate medical insurance.
- Transfer students must send official college/university transcripts.
The completed application and supporting documents must be submitted by the posted deadlines:
Summer semester - March 15
Fall semester - June 1
Spring semester - November 1
For questions regarding the admission of international students, contact Marie Gallegos, International Student Advisor, at 970.339.6675 or
Assessment Requirements
Based on the statewide remedial education policy and institutional procedures, students may be required to assess in reading, writing, and math. Assessment is designed to assist students in understanding their current academic levels and to aid them and their advisors in the selection of college courses. New and returning students are responsible for making arrangements at the Testing Center to meet the assessment requirement prior to conferring with an advisor and registering.
The assessment requirement can be met in one of the following ways:
- Showing proof of successful completion of an Associates of Arts, Associates of Science, or baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution (excludes Associate of General Studies and Associate of Applied Science graduates), or
- Submit transcripts and course descriptions to show proof of successful completion (C- or higher or “S” satisfactory) of equivalent college-level math and writing courses taken within the past 10 years from a regionally accredited institution. The student should submit documentation to the Assessment Center as early as possible prior to registration, or
- Complete the Accuplacer assessment in reading, writing/English, and mathematics (scores are good for three years), or
- Show proof of minimum ACT, SAT, Compass, or Acuplacer scores taken within the past three years.
Students whose assessment scores do not meet the Colorado Commission of Higher Education college-level course enrollment standards in writing/English and/or mathematics must complete developmental education coursework during their first thirty (30) semester hours of instruction at Aims. ESL and GED courses are not included in the 30 semester hour count.
Retests of any or all of the sections will result in a minimal fee per section. The first retest of any section can occur 24 hours after the initial testing. Any additional retest attempts of any section will require a three-month wait period unless proof of successful completion of a college-sponsored remediation program is provided. The Accuplacer may be taken a total of five times in a two-year period. Information regarding Accuplacer testing times/fees can be found at
Students with mobility, visual, hearing, learning, mental, emotional, speech or health disabilities must meet with Disability Access Services to arrange for special accommodations in testing.
Students should contact the Testing Center for fees and testing times or refer to the web site at
Refer to the Aims web site for further information on remedial education requirements at Aims.
After completing the admissions, assessment and advising processes, students must complete the registration process each semester. A Schedule of Classes listing day and evening courses is available online prior to the registration period. Consult the online calendar for registration details.
Students must have all financial obligations from prior terms paid before they will be permitted to register for additional courses.
Add, Drop, Withdrawal, Cancellations of Classes and Refunds
Course Cancellations
Aims Community College must retain the customary right to cancel course offerings where enrollment is too low to make a course educationally sound and economically efficient. Course cancellations will result in a full refund.
Adding, Dropping, or Withdrawing from Classes
Adding of classes must be done by the course Add Deadline (within the first 7% of the course). After the deadline has passed, adding courses may be done on an exception basis only if space is available and the instructor has given written permission to enroll.
Dropping of classes must be done by the course Drop Deadline (within the first 15% of the course). Classes dropped by the drop deadline will result in a full refund.
Withdrawing from classes must be done by the course Withdrawal Deadline (after the Drop Deadline, but before the point marking 75% of the course). Withdrawing from a course will generate a final grade of “W” on the student’s academic transcript. All tuition and fee obligations still apply; a withdrawal does not qualify for a refund.
If the student does not withdraw by the withdrawal deadline, the faculty will assign the final grade earned. If the student qualifies, the instructor may (at his or her discretion) assign an “Incomplete” as a final grade status (see Grading System ).
Students are responsible for properly adding, dropping, and withdrawing. Students SHOULD NOT expect to be dropped due to non-attendance. Telephone requests for adds, drops, or withdrawals cannot be accepted.
Withdrawal - From All Classes/From The College
Students withdrawing from all classes and/ or from the college must begin the withdrawal process by contacting the Admissions Office in Greeley, Loveland or Fort Lupton. Telephone requests for complete withdrawal will be taken under extreme circumstances only and referred to the Dean for Students Services. Students withdrawing from all classes must complete the exit form which can be found at the Admissions and Record offices on all three campuses.
Tuition Adjustment Appeals
Students who have withdrawn from course(s) from the college due to extenuating circumstances, may file a Tuition Adjustment Appeal. Tuition Adjustment Appeals must be submitted within 1 year of the semester being requested and the student needs to supply documentation to support extenuating circumstances. Students can contact the Cashier’s Office or go to for forms, guidelines and additional information.
Refund Regulations
Under specific conditions, the College grants refunds for tuition and course fees to students who drop courses by the specified deadline. EVEN IF CLASSES ARE NOT ATTENDED, THEY MUST BE DROPPED EITHER AT ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS OR ON-LINE BY THE SPECIFIED DEADLINE IN THE ONLINE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES AND ON THE STUDENT’S ONLINE PRINTABLE SCHEDULE/BILL IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE CHARGES ON ACCOUNT. To be eligible for a refund, a DROP must be submitted by the deadline in person or on-line. In cases of emergency, a student may submit a letter to the Admissions and Records Office. The date the request is received in the Admissions and Records Office will be used in determining eligibility for the refund. If the student was provided assistance from College funds or funds managed by the College, the refund will be returned to the appropriate scholarship/grant fund or applied to the student’s note in the loan fund. Refunds will be made in accordance with the following schedule:
- By the Drop Deadline (the point marking 15% of the course): 100% refund.
- By the Withdrawal deadline (the point marking 75% of the course): no refund.
Cooperative Registration Agreements
Students must have a valid social security number to participate in either cooperative registration agreement.
UNC - Aims
Students enrolled for at least 12 credits and paying full-time tuition at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) or Aims Community College are eligible to take one undergraduate class (maximum 5 credits) at the other school without additional tuition charges. The student pays all applicable course fees. The tuition-free course must be one not offered at the student’s home school during that term. Courses delivered by Continuing Education (credit or non-credit) do not count in the twelve credit full-time requirement and cannot be taken as the free class. Details are available at the UNC Registrar’s Office and at each Aims Admissions & Records Office at all campuses and online at
CSU - Aims
Students enrolled for at least 12 credits and paying full time tuition at Colorado State University (CSU) or Aims Community College are eligible to take one undergraduate class (maximum 5 credits) at the other school without additional tuition charges. The student pays all applicable course fees. Courses delivered by Continuing Education (credit or non-credit) do not count in the 12 credit full-time requirement and cannot be taken as the free class. Details are available at the CSU Admissions Office and at the Aims Admissions & Records Offices on all campuses and online at