Catalog 2019-2020 
    Feb 15, 2025  
Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading System

Return to: Rules, Regulations, & Policies  

Aims Community College assigns the following alphabetical grades:

Quality of Work Indicated by Symbol   Grade
A Indicates that the student has demonstrated superior achievement of the course objectives.    4
B Indicates that the student has demonstrated above-average achievement of the course objectives.    3
C Indicates that the student has demonstrated acceptable achievement of the course objectives.   2
D Indicates that the student has demonstrated a below-average level of achievement in the course that does not warrant a failing grade yet represents the minimum passing grade. A course in which a final grade of ‘D’ is earned generally will not satisfy a course prerequisite, and may not be accepted if transferring to another school. The ‘D’ grade also carries with it a Grade Point Average below the minimum 2.0 required to graduate. For these reasons, students may want to consider repeating a course in which a ‘D’ is earned.   1
F Indicates that the student has failed to achieve the objectives of the course.   0
S Satisfactory:
For designated courses, indicates achievement of the course objectives at a ‘C’ level or above.
U Unsatisfactory:
For designated courses, indicates failure to achieve course objectives.
AU Audit:
No credit is granted. Regular tuition rates apply. The audit (AU) grade does not affect the grade point average. Any course for which an AU grade is assigned: does not count toward any certificate or degree program; cannot be used to satisfy a course prerequisite; cannot be used to satisfy “in residence” requirements; and cannot be used to satisfy requirements for financial aid or veterans’ benefits. Each academic department will set guidelines for the approval or disapproval of a student’s auditing a course. The student must obtain instructor approval on an Audit Request Form and submit the form to the Admissions, Registration & Records office by the add/drop deadline for the course. Once approved and submitted, the final grade of AU will be assigned. The grade of AU is final and cannot be changed. The student may receive credit for a course that was originally audited only by enrolling in and satisfactorily completing another section of the course in a subsequent semester.
W Withdrawal:
Indicates a student’s withdrawal after the point marking 15% of the course (the drop/refund deadline) and before the point marking 75% of the course. After the 75% point, students may no longer choose to withdraw from a course, and faculty will either assign the grade earned or complete an “Incomplete” Agreement with the student.
I Incomplete:
The Incomplete is an option for the instructor when a student has, for good reason, been delayed in completing the required work and has satisfactorily completed at least 75% of the course. To receive the grade of “Incomplete,” the student does not re-register for the course but instead completes an agreement with the instructor, in which the instructor specifically identifies the time frame and requirements for completing the course. The instructor then submits the completed Incomplete Agreement form to the Admission & Records Office and ensures that the student receives a copy. The student has a maximum of one term to complete the course requirements. If necessary, the instructor may extend the time limit for one additional academic term. After one year from the issuance of the “I”, an Incomplete that remains on a student’s record will be converted to the “F” grade.

Grade Point Average

A student’s grade point average (GPA) is computed according to the following formula:

Number of credits of ”A” multiplied by 4; plus
Number of credits of “B” multiplied by 3; plus
Number of credits of “C” multiplied by 2; plus
Number of credits of “D” multiplied by 1;
Number of credits of “F” multiplied by 0; then divided by total number of credits accumulated.

Only the credits accumulated and grade points earned in college level courses at Aims Community College are used in computation of semester and cumulative GPAs which appear on grade reports and transcripts. Courses numbered below 100 do not count for college credit or in the grade point average. Courses graded “S” count for credit, but are not used in the grade point average.

Fresh Start Policy

“Fresh Start” is an option for students who had a poor start academically and returns to Aims after at least a two-year absence, counted from the end of the student’s last term at Aims.

Under the program, the student may petition to have all of his or her previous grades eliminated from the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). The grades would remain on the transcript, but would no longer be calculated in the GPA.

The student may obtain a Fresh Start Petition in the Admissions, Registration & Records office or online.

Grade Replacement Policy

“Grade Replacement” is an option for students who may choose to repeat a limited number of courses for the purpose of replacing a poor grade with a better grade.

Under the program, both the previous and the new grades would remain on the transcript, but only the last grade received will be counted toward the GPA. The student may attempt to improve his or her overall GPA by repeating a maximum of 4 courses in which he or she had received a final grade of “D” or “F”.

The student may obtain a Grade Replacement Petition in the Admissions, Registration & Records office or online.