Catalog 2022-2023 
    Feb 09, 2025  
Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Activities, Inclusion & Leadership (SAIL)

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Greeley, Campus, College Center, Room 131


Student Activities, Inclusion & Leadership (SAIL)

The Student Activities, Inclusion & Leadership office on the Greeley campus offers support and growth experiences on all Aims campuses through a variety of educational, social, and multicultural activities. Students participate in student leadership activities through the Associated Students of Aims Community College. SAIL’s mission is to create educational and community building opportunities that facilitate S.A.I.L.’s values: collaboration, inclusiveness, intentionality, integrity, learning & growth, and students first.

Programs and Services

The Student Activities, Inclusion & Leadership office is committed to serving as a resource for Aims students as well as supporting student activities. The office provides opportunities for students to gain valuable experiences in planning and implementing events, advocating for student interests, and building inclusive communities. Students meet new and interesting people and engage in activities that often have a lasting effect on both the college and the individual. SAIL encompasses a broad range of programs and services designed with the student as the priority.

Associated Students of Aims Community College (ASACC) - The Associated Students is a student organization whose membership includes all Aims students. This organization serves the students at Aims by addressing student concerns and student-related campus issues and by coordinating student activities. ASACC is governed by the Student Government Association (SGA) with student representation from the Greeley, Fort Lupton, Loveland, and Windsor campuses.

Student Government Association (SGA) - SGA provides a student voice in college decision-making processes and brings student concerns to the forefront of college operations. This group provides input on student life issues to the college administration and the Aims Board of Trustees. Additionally, SGA provides funding to student organizations and other college entities for student-centered events and initiatives.

Campus Activities Program Board (CAP) - The CAP Board enhances the educational environment at Aims by providing free events focused on holistic wellness, awareness-raising, and community building. A variety of CAP events are offered on all campuses including virtual activities. Topics covered range from physical and emotional wellness, to multiculturalism and diversity, to pure fun and entertainment.

Student Clubs and Organizations - Included are academic, honors, social, and civic groups. Get involved by contacting the SAIL office for a current listing of chartered clubs and organizations or go to

Commencement Ceremony - One commencement ceremony is held each year at the conclusion of the Spring semester for all students earning degrees and certificates during the academic year.

Graphic Services - Available to the SGA and CAP Boards and recognized student organizations, providing the opportunity to work with a Media Specialist/graphic artist to develop promotional materials, brochures, signs, and web pages.

Study Lounges - Lounges are located in Westview, Ed Beaty Hall, Horizon Hall, Applied Technology and Trades Center, and Allied Health and Sciences building on the Greeley campus and at each of the Fort Lupton, Loveland, and Windsor campuses.

Student ID - The Aims Student ID is the official identification card for all members of the student community. It functions as a Physical Education & Recreation Center (PERC) pass, Library and Learning Commons card, Testing Center pass and includes benefits in the surrounding community including student discounts. All students are expected to obtain an Aims Student ID card after registering for courses for their first term at Aims. Bring a copy of your class schedule and photo ID to the SAIL office, Room 126 in the Ed Beaty Building on the Greeley campus for Greeley/Windsor campuses or the front desk at Fort Lupton/Loveland campuses to obtain a free student ID.

Parking Permits - Vehicular parking is available on all campuses in designated lots with a parking permit. Parking regulations are enforced by the Department of Campus Safety and Security.

Students at Aims are required to have a parking permit for all cars or motorcycles they will be parking on campus. Parking permits are required at the Greeley, Fort Lupton, Loveland, and Windsor campuses. Any student visiting those campuses must have a permit or they risk being ticketed. The permit is free to the student and provides an added level of security for our campus population.

Permits may be obtained by:

  • Completing a parking permit form 
  • Bringing a valid photo ID and vehicle license plate number, make, model and color, to: 
    • Greeley: To the SAIL office, Ed Beaty, 126
    • Fort Lupton, Loveland, and Windsor: To the front desk at the campus 

For more information about parking permits, contact the SAIL office at 970.339.6501. For parking information, contact the Safety and Security Coordinator at 970.339.6474.

Bus Passes - The Associated Students of Aims Community College (ASACC) provides all Student Activity fee-paying Aims students the use of Greeley-Evans Transportation District (GET) buses at the student cost of $1/semester, subsidized by student fees. Pick up your bus pass at the start of each term in the SAIL office in room 126 of the Ed Beaty Building on the Greeley campus.

Student Emergency Fund - A one-time student-fee supported fund for limited financial assistance to help currently enrolled Aims students meet an unexpected need currently impacting their likelihood to be retained and complete their degree or certificate at Aims Community College. For more information:

Arty’s Pantry - Are you or do you know a currently enrolled student experiencing financial need and/or food insecurity? WE CAN HELP! Arty’s Pantry provides all Aims students experiencing financial need and/or food insecurity with food, personal hygiene items, and school supplies. For more information or to access Arty’s Pantry, stop by the SAIL office in room 126 of the Ed Beaty Building on the Greeley campus or the front desk areas at the Fort Lupton, Loveland, and Windsor campuses. Student must present their Aims student ID and agree to assessment agreement as part of service.