Mar 02, 2025
Catalog 2014-2015, Final Edition [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Early Childhood Education Statewide Articulation Agreement, A.A. (2 years)
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(Associate of Arts Degree)
(AA LA42)
Early Childhood Education Statewide Articulation Agreement includes courses for transfer to UNC and other Colorado Universities.
Please Note: The following transfer agreement was created prior to the 2010 legislation that changed the definition of a statewide transfer agreement and, therefore, no longer meets the legal definition. The schools that signed on to this agreement will honor it, however. Please check with Aims and the 4-year school you wish to transfer into to ensure you are registering for the appropriate courses.
*Courses for guaranteed transfer to UNC for Early Childhood Professional Teacher Education program.
Behavioral & Social Sciences: 9
Mathematics: 6-7
Select ONE of the following mathematics options: Physical & Life Sciences: 8
Additional Required Courses: 16
Electives: 6
Students should contact their transferring institution to determine the additional 6 credits of electives. Electives may be chosen from the general education curriculum, other arts and sciences courses and specific Career and Technical coures (see Approved Degree Electives). A maximum of 3 credits of Physical Education courses are allowed in A.A. degree electives. Listed below are two UNC specific courses. Total Elective Credits for A.A. Degree: 6
Total Credits for A.A. Degree: 60
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