Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Oil and Gas Technologies
Return to: Degrees and Certificates
Applied Technology & Trades Center, Room 223C
Program Chair and Advisor:
Amy McFarland, (303) 718-5311
Advisors and Faculty:
Megan Blaser
Jeffery Harrington
David Sordi
Degrees and Certificates Offered:
Oil and Gas Technologies (A.A.S. Degree)
Introduction to Oil and Gas Technologies (Certificate)
Oil and Gas Production Technologies (Certificate)
The oil and gas industry is investing millions of dollars and generating thousands of jobs across Weld County, Northeastern Colorado and the world. These investments represent a long-term plan to encourage America’s energy independence. Aims has partnered with local industry leaders to develop degree and certificate programs tailored to the needs of today’s industry. This program is designed to help students stand out and give you a leg up in the hiring and promotion process (entry level or incumbent workers) within a fast growing industry.
Classes offered in an online, hybrid, or traditional classroom format.
Oil and Gas Technologies Advisory Committee
Nicholas Bell, Leprino Foods
Jonathan Cole, Complete Energy Services
Travis Culpepper, Halliburton
Amber Duchaine, Weld Employment Services
Randy Ekx, Northern Plains Trucking/Complete Energy Services
Tom Fairchild, Wolf Robotics
Eric Fitzsimons, Committee Chair, CNE Creative
Elvira Gonzalez, Weld Employment Services
Beau Hastings, PDC Energy
Zach Huston, Chevron
John Quist, Vestas Blades Americas
Tom Rotunno, Nestle Purina Pet Care Co.
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