Catalog 2019-2020 
    Feb 15, 2025  
Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Approved Degree Electives

Courses Approved as Electives for Aims Community College Associate of Arts (A.A.) for 2019-2020:

This list of electives reflects the best information currently available. Please check with your Aims advisor to determine which courses are most appropriate for your chosen transfer institution and major. Student on a statewide articulation agreement should follow the guidelines within the articulation agreement for their elective choices. Students wishing to apply an elective course not on this list to an A.A. degree may do so with a signed approval of an Academic Dean. Any state guaranteed transfer course not listed here may be used as an elective.
NOTE: Courses below 100 do not transfer and cannot be used for electives in this Degree.


ACC 121  , 122  
AGE   ,   ,   ,   
AGY   ,   
ANT 101  , 107  , 111  ,   ,   ,   
ARA 111  , 112  
ART All courses  *
ASC   ,   ,   ,   
ASL 101  , 102  , 121  ,  122  
AST 101  , 102  
BIO 105  (Credit will not be given for both BIO 105 and BIO 111), 106  (Credit will not be given for both BIO 106 and BIO 201), 111  , 112  , 201  , 202  , 204  , 216  ,   
BUS 115  , 216  , 217  , 226  (Credit will not be given for both BUS 226 and MAT 135)
CHE 101  (Credit will not be given for both CHE 101 and CHE 111), 102  (Credit will not be given for both CHE 102 and CHE 112),   , 111  , 112  , 211  , 212   
CHI 101  , 111  , 112  
CIS 118  
COM 115  , 125  , 220  
CRJ  110  , 111, 112  , 125  , 127  ,  135  , 145  , 151, 152, 153, 209  , 210  , 216  , 220  , 230  , 231  ,   ,   ,    
CSC All courses 
ECE 101  , 102  , 103  ,   ,   , 205  ,   , 226  , 228  , 238  ,   , 241  ,    
ECO 101  , 105  , 201  , 202  
EDU 221  , 261  , 263  
ENG   All courses 
ENV  101  
ETH All courses 
FRE   101  , 102  , 111  , 112  , 211  , 212  , 275  
GEO 105  , 106  
GER  All courses 
GEY 111  ,   , 135  
HIS All courses  *
HPE 110  , 231  
HPR 178  
HUM All courses 
HWE   ,   , 111  
ITA 101  , 111  , 112  , 211  , 212  
JOU All courses 
JPN 111  , 112  , 211  , 212  
LIT All courses 
MAR 216  
MAT All courses above 110 except 175, 185   
MET 150   
MUS All courses *
PHI All courses  *
PHY 105  (Credit will not be given for both PHY 105 and PHY 111),   ,  ,   ,   
POS All courses  *
PSY All courses 
RTV 101  , 103  , 107  , 108  , 136  , 212  , 241  , 242  , 243  , 269  
RUS     ,   ,   ,  ,   
SCI All courses 
SOC All courses  *
SPA  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,   
THE 105  , 111  ,   , 212  
WST  200  

* All courses above 100, not including Special Topics or Independent Study

Only 3 credits of PE activity courses below apply to electives:

DAN All courses*
HWE 108
OUT 124, 142
PED All courses*

Courses Approved as Electives for Associate of Science (A.S.) for 2019-2020:

ANT 111  
AST 101  , 102  
BIO 111  , 112  , 201  , 202  , 204  , 216  
CHE 111  , 112  , 211  , 212   
CIS 118  
COM 115  , 125  , 220  
CSC All courses  *
ENV 101  
GEY 111  , 112  , 135  
MAT 121  , 122  , 125  , 135  , 201  , 202  , 203  , 215  , 265  
PHY 111  , 212  

* All courses above 100, not including Special Topics or Independent Study



As part of their multicultural requirements, at least two transfer Institutions accept the following courses:

    - Ethnic Literature [AH2]
   - Sociology of Gender [SS3]
   - Intro to Women’s Studies [SS3]