Catalog 2020-2021 
    Feb 08, 2025  
Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Standards

Return to: Rules, Regulations, & Policies   

Academic Standards Policy

Degree/certificate-seeking students must maintain satisfactory academic progress. To remain in good standing, students must achieve a minimum cumulative and term grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 for all attempted undergraduate level courses.

Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress shall be placed on academic probation. Probationary students who do not show progress toward good standing in the first term of their probation will be placed on multi-term probation. Students who do not show progress toward good standing in the subsequent term will be placed on academic suspension.

Students who are academically suspended will need to submit a written appeal for reinstatement which will be forwarded to the Academic Standards Appeals Committee for review and decision. If an appeal is denied, students will be required to sit out, reapply for admission, and develop a reentry plan. A full explanation of the appeal process is available online at

Financial aid and certain Aims programs may have more specific guidelines in their program handbook concerning course load, GPA, and other academic standards. Students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 to receive a degree or certificate.

Semester Honors

Honors recognition will be given to full-time students who earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher in at least 12 credit hours of college level courses used to compute the GPA during a semester. President’s List is the designation for a term GPA of 4.0 (straight A), while Dean’s List is the designation for a term GPA of 3.5 - 3.99. 

Standards of Student Conduct

Aims Community College is a diverse learning community. We are committed to providing a safe campus environment in which all students have an equal opportunity to learn, study, and grow as scholars and members of society. Students are responsible for their own actions and are expected to treat all members of the College community including faculty, staff, students and guests of the College with dignity, respect, fairness and civility at all times. Students are expected to practice academic honesty and to refrain from any form of cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College.

The Student Code of Conduct outlines the policies, regulations, and procedures of the College regarding academic honesty and student behavior. Any act which interferes with the learning process, rights of others, disrupts or impedes the normal functioning of the College, damages or destroys property, or impairs health or safety is grounds for disciplinary action. The Code applies to behavior on college-owned property, in all College classes, and at all College-sponsored activities whether on or off campus. Behavior that is considered in violation of the Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion.

A full explanation of the Standards of Student Conduct is available on the website at The complete Student Code of Conduct may be accessed at


Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered, except in case of illness or other emergencies. The instructor shall determine and inform students of the effects of absences on the grade. If any student accumulates so many absences that continued enrollment in the class seems to be of little value, the student may be asked by the instructor to withdraw from the course. The instructor may assign a final grade or develop an Incomplete contract with the student if the student has successfully completed 75% of the course. Withdrawals must be processed by the deadline shown in the schedule of classes.

Repeating Courses

A student who earns a grade of “D” or “F” may repeat the course to raise the grade to a “C” or better to meet the performance level required for subsequent courses. The course may be used only once to meet the graduation requirements of a particular degree or certificate program.  All grades will be listed on the student’s transcript and will be computed in the student’s grade point average (GPA) unless either a “Fresh Start” or “Grade Replacement” policy applies. See Grading System  for explanation of these two policies.