Catalog 2021-2022 
    Feb 09, 2025  
Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid / Scholarships



Arty’s Burrow Building #1




Director: Chris Peterson

Scholarship Coordinator:  Emily Notter


Purpose of Financial Aid

The purpose of financial aid is to provide assistance to students in meeting their educational costs as they pursue their current academic program. Financial aid awards may come from one or any combination of grants, scholarships, work-study or loans. Financial aid awarded to students may be funded from federal, state, institutional and/or private funds.

To be considered for most types of financial aid, students must apply using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application is available online at The Federal School Code for Aims Community College is: 007582.

Most scholarships require an application separate from the FAFSA. Please contact the organization granting the scholarship or the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Financial Aid Application Dates

A FAFSA must be completed for each academic year (Fall through Summer). The FAFSA is available October 1st of each year for the following Fall semester.

Priority Dates

To be considered for certain types of grants and/or work-study funds that are very limited, we recommend having your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) processed by March 15.

To have your financial aid processed in order for your registration fees to be paid by financial aid by the fee payment deadline, you must complete ALL STEPS in the application process by the Financial Aid Application Date:

  Fall Semester Completed by June 1.
  Spring Semester Completed by November 1.
  Summer Semester Completed by March 1.

Late Applicants

If you miss the Financial Aid Priority Application Date for the term in which you wish to enroll, you are still strongly encouraged to apply. Your application will be accepted and processed; but, it may not be processed in time for you to use your financial aid to meet the tuition payment deadlines and/or to pay for your tuition, fees and books. If this is the case, you will need to make other arrangements to pay your tuition, fees and to purchase your books. If you qualify for financial aid, a refund, if eligible, will be issued to you later in the term.

Payment plans are available through the Cashier’s Office. For more information see Tuition and Fees.

Financial Aid Application Instructions

You must apply for financial aid each academic year (Fall through Summer).

  1. Apply for admissions to the College
    • Go to
    • Click on “Prospective Students” and then “Apply”
  2. Be a current degree-seeking student at Aims Community College or a student seeking an eligible certificate program and take courses that are required for that degree or certificate.
  3. Complete the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit it to the Central Processing System (CPS). Aims Community College’s Federal School Code is 007582. This school code must be on your FAFSA for Aims to process your financial aid. You may submit the FAFSA using one of the following methods:
  4. Research and apply for scholarships. Check the financial aid link on Aims’ web site: or search for FREE scholarship searches on the Internet.
  5. Submit additional documentation as requested.

Other Important Application Information:

Verification - The federal government requires that some applications be reviewed for accuracy through a process called ‘verification’. In addition, if the Financial Aid Office has conflicting information you may be selected for verification by the school. If your application is selected for this process, you may be required to complete a Verification Worksheet, provide copies of the federal tax transcripts and W-2 forms for individuals whose income is required to be on your FAFSA, or other documents. You will be notified by email if you have been selected for verification.

Federal database matches - When your FAFSA is processed through the CPS, your name, social security number and date of birth are matched with a variety of federal agencies. Agency matches are performed against the files of the Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security (if applicable), Selective Service, Veterans Administration (if applicable) and the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). If there are any differences or questions about your information, you will be asked to provide additional documentation or to take additional actions to confirm your eligibility for federal/state and/or institutional financial aid. You will be notified by the CPS and our office by letter or email should additional documentation be required.

Transfer Students Who Have Applied for Financial Aid at Another School

If you previously applied for federal financial aid at another school and are now applying for financial aid at Aims, you must add Aims’ federal school code (007582) to your FAFSA for the current academic year. This can be done by submitting a correction to your FAFSA online at

In addition, if the other school has awarded you financial aid for the term in which you are transferring to Aims, you will need to request those awards be canceled. Once canceled, it can take up to 30-days for those cancellations to be reported to NSLDS. It is our recommendation that you have the Financial Aid office from the other school email our office letting us know your financial aid has been canceled and the amounts of aid you received.  This will allow us to move forward in determining your financial aid eligibility.

You cannot receive financial aid from two schools for the same semester of enrollment.

General Eligibility Requirements

Your eligibility for financial aid is dependent upon the availability of federal, state, institutional and private resources. To be eligible for financial aid, you must:

  1. Be accepted to Aims Community College as an eligible degree (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., A.G.S.) or certificate seeking student; and
  2. Be making satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the financial aid satisfactory academic progress guideline; and
  3. Be a U.S. citizen, a national, or an eligible non-citizen; and
  4. Enroll at least half-time (6 credits) for most financial aid programs. Enrollment must be for courses required for your degree or certificate; and
  5. Not be in default on a prior student loan; and
  6. Not owe a repayment or overpayment of a federal grant or loan; and
  7. Be registered with the Selective Service, if required; and
  8. Have a high school diploma or GED or completed secondary school education in a home school that state law treats as a home or private school; and
  9. Not have been convicted for sale or possession of illegal drugs while receiving federal (Title IV) funds.

Penalties may be imposed for abuse or fraudulently reported information and for misuse of financial aid funds.

Payment of Financial Aid

Payment of your financial aid will occur just prior to the scheduled start date of each semester provided your financial aid awards have been made and you have completed all additional requirements, if applicable.

  • There is a 30-calendar day delay, from the first day of the semester, for all first-time loan borrowers who are an undergraduate student. Provided you have completed all of the additional steps, the first disbursement of your loan will occur AFTER the 30th calendar day past the start of the semester.
  • Work-study funds are NOT paid to your student tuition account. Once you are hired for a work-study eligible job, you will be paid monthly for hours worked within each pay period.

Your financial aid payment will be based on the number of credits in which you are enrolled that apply toward your degree or certificate. If you are enrolled for less than 12 credit hours, the amount of financial aid that pays to your student tuition account may be different than the amount stated on your award letter.

Financial aid will be credited to your student tuition account just prior to the scheduled start date of each semester provided you have been awarded financial aid, you have completed all financial aid requirements, and you are enrolled for the minimum required number of credits.

Most financial aid is applied directly to your student tuition account and amounts are reflected on your bill. All grants are automatically credited to the account. Federal Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized) and PLUS Loans are credited after all loan paperwork is done, entrance counseling has been completed, and the scheduled disbursement date has arrived.

If the amount of your financial aid is greater than the amount due to Aims for your tuition and fees, the Cashier’s Office will refund the balance of your aid for the term. An email will be sent to your Aims email account the night prior to your refund being available. 

Please note: Not attending, dropping or withdrawing from your classes can impact the amount of financial aid you are eligible to receive and possibly cause you to owe a repayment of financial aid funds already received.

College Preparatory Courses

College-preparatory (Basic Education) course work can be counted in a student’s enrollment for financial aid purposes. However, financial aid will fund a maximum of 30 semester credits of college-preparatory course work.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress

Aims Community College is required to establish satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for student financial aid applicants.  These SAP standards measure a student’s performance in all terms of enrollment, including summer term and terms in which the student did not receive financial aid.

All students will be evaluated on the basis of the following standards at the time our office receives your FAFSA results and at the end of each semester. All terms are reviewed including periods in which the student did not receive financial aid. 

  1. Qualitative measure (GPA) - Minimum cumulative grade point average (which includes both remedial and undergraduate courses) of 2.0 or above;


  2. Quantitative measure (Pace) - Cumulative completion rate* of 67% or higher; 

         * (The completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of cumulative passed hours by the number of cumulative hours attempted.  This includes all credits attempted at Aims (remedial, undergraduate, repeated, withdrawn, and incomplete courses). 


  3. Maximum Timeframe - Attempted credits are not at or in excess of 150% of the student’s current academic program’s length.  Attempted credits include all undergraduate, repeated, withdrawn, and incomplete courses at Aims, and credits transferred in from other schools);


  4. Student has not withdrawn and/or failed all coursework attempted within the student’s most recent term;


  5. Student has not attempted 30 or more remedial credits (courses below 100).  GED/ESL credits are not financial aid eligible and are excluded from the Satisfactory Academic Progress measures.


For financial aid purposes, being enrolled in a course for credit beyond the official add/drop deadline counts in attempted hours. All attempted courses are counted, including those taken as part of a different degree or certificate program. Attempted credits for both completion rate and maximum timeframe include program changes and/or completed programs.

For financial aid purposes, successful completion of a course means an earned grade of A, B, C, D or S. Grades of F, I, U, and W are considered unsuccessful completions and will negatively impact your satisfactory academic progress review completed at the end of each semester. Please refer to the standards listed in #1 through #3 above. 

If you do not meet the financial aid satisfactory academic progress standards due to your grade point average or number of successfully completed credits, you will be placed on financial aid warning. The exception to this is if you do not successfully complete any course work attempted, you will be placed on financial aid ineligibility.

Students receive an email after Satisfactory Academic Progress is checked at the end of the semester indicating their eligibility status. In addition, students may check their status at any time by logging in to the MyAims portal. While on warning you will remain eligible for the payment of your financial aid. While on warning, if you again do not meet either of these requirements you will be placed on financial aid ineligibility and will not be eligible for further financial aid until you meet the minimum requirements for reinstatement. You will need to pay the tuition and fees for the courses you take while on financial aid ineligibility.

If you have attempted 150% of the credits required for your academic program, you will be considered to have used your maximum credits and are no longer eligible for financial aid.

You have the right to appeal a financial aid ineligibility status if you have extenuating circumstances. This may include, but is not limited to, a medical emergency, death in the family, a change in your work schedule, etc. Max time appeals can be submitted if you are pursuing a subsequent financial aid eligible academic program or feel there have been circumstances that prevented you from completing your program in the maximum time allowed. Appeal forms are available from the Financial Aid Office. Documentation of your extenuating circumstances will be required. Appeal forms must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office by the deadlines posted online at  Appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The appeal committee which consists of Aims faculty and staff may approve funding for one additional semester or longer. Students who are approved for one additional semester are placed on probation. While on probation students are expected to complete all courses in which they enroll. Satisfactory Academic Progress is checked again at the end of the probation semester and the applicable eligibility status is assigned. Students who are approved for funding for more than one semester are placed on (and sign) an Academic Plan with specific instructions to show improvement at the end of each semester toward meeting normal Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Students who do not show progress at the end of the semester and do not meet any other criteria included in their academic plan will be placed on financial aid ineligibility. Students who show progress at the end of the semester will continue on an academic plan until they meet normal Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.

Students who have had a grade change may request a re-calculation of the SAP measures by contacting the Financial Aid Office.

Students who are placed on financial aid ineligibility and pay for courses on their own may request a reinstatement of their eligibility once they meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.

Repayment of Unearned Federal Financial Aid

If you received federal student aid (Title IV) and you completely withdraw (officially or unofficially) from all of your courses within 60% of the semester and/or you stop attending all courses, a pro-rated portion of your federal financial aid may need to be repaid. In this case, you will be billed for the amount of aid that must be repaid, and holds will be placed on your record until the balance owed is paid in full. 


Grants may be awarded if you show financial need based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Pell Grant: This is a need-based federal grant program for students who are seeking their first undergraduate degree. Students who establish eligibility will be funded.

Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG): A federal need-based grant awarded to students seeking a first undergraduate degree in an eligible program who have exceptional financial need. Limited funding is available.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant: A student who is not eligible for a Pell Grant but whose parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and died as a result of service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001 may be eligible to receive the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.  Additional student eligibility requirements include being under 24 years of age or enrolled in college at least part time of the parent’s or guardian’s death. The grant award is equal to the amount of a maximum Pell Grant for the award year - not to exceed the cost of attendance that year.

Colorado State Grant (CSG): These state funds are available to Colorado resident undergraduate students with preference to students with a documented EFC that is within Pell eligibility. Awards are made after Pell Grant eligibility is determined. These funds are made available through the Colorado General Assembly. Limited funding is available.


Aims Scholars Scholarship & Aims Opportunity Scholarships: These are merit-based (or GPA)  scholarships designed to assist students who have excelled academically.  The Aims Scholars Scholarship is automatically awarded to students who qualify.  A seperate application, available online, is required for Aims Opportunity Scholarship.  A copy of either a student’s final high school transcript, if a recent (1 academic year or less) high school graduate, or most recent college transcript, if new transfer student, must be attached to the Aims Opportunity Scholarship application. A FAFSA is not required. All awards are subject to the availability of institutional funding.

Other Scholarships: There is a wide variety of scholarships available to students. The key is to search for them often and then take the time to apply!  Local scholarship opportunities can be found on the Aims scholarship web page,

You should NEVER have to pay to find out about the availability of scholarships. Planning and scholarship search websites are also listed on the Aims scholarship web page. 

Aims Foundation Scholarships: Through the generous donations of many individuals and organizations, scholarship funds are available through the Aims Foundation to assist students while attending Aims. Only one application is required. The online application is available at or  

General eligibility criteria for all Aims Foundation Scholarships may be found on the Aims website,, or through the Office of Financial Aid.  Scholarships are available to students on all campuses. Aims Foundation scholarships, amounts, and deadlines are subject to change and are contingent upon availability of funds. Before completing the online application or if you have questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 970.339.6548 or The Office of Financial Aid is located in Arty’s Burrow Building 1.

The Aims Foundation Thanks Generous Donors for Providing the Following Scholarships:

50th Anniversary Award
Aims General Scholarship
Aims Promise Scholarship
Aims Staff Association Scholarship
Allied Health Endowment
Assistance League of Greeley Single Parent Scholarship
Aviation Flight Time Scholarship
Barnard and Margaret Houtchens Memorial Scholarship
Barnes and Noble
Bert & Leslie Memorial
Bomberger Foundation Automotive Annual Scholarship
Captain Al Haynes Aviation Scholarship
Carol Heinze Endowment Scholarship
Connor Gillmore Memorial Scholarship
Dairy Specialists
Dale Majors Scholarship
Darrel Schneider Memorial Scholarship
David J Manning Scholarship
Dola Mae (Evans)
Don T. Harris Chemistry Scholarship
Dorothy Stewart Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Paul and Doriann Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Ruth Lorenson Endowment Scholarship
EG Shaumberg Memorial Scholarship
ECI Construction Scholarship
Ed Beaty Memorial Scholarship
Express Employment Professionals Scholarship
Florence Winograd Endowment Scholarship
Frank A. Berger Memorial Scholarship
Frank Gordon / Walt Francis Social Science
Freda T. Roof Memorial Scholarship
Gale and Ann Heiman Scholarship
George Edward Chisholm Endowment Scholarship
Gil Borthick Engineering Scholarship
Hansen Presidential Scholarship
Harlan E. Anderson Foundation EMT & Fire Science Endowment Scholarship
Hazel A. Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Igniters of Greeley
Jacob Dill Auto Collision Repair Program Scholarship
John and Betty Becker Accounting Scholarship
John P. Richard / NEWCO, Inc. Scholarship
John Valencia Real Estate Scholarship
Kenny Samsel Construction Management Scholarship
Les Race Scholarship
Leslie V. Ward Memorial Scholarship
Linda Morgenson Memorial (PEO)
Louie Doll Automotive Service Technology Endowment Scholarship
Loveland PEO IM Chapter Scholarship
Loveland Veterans of Aims Community College Scholarship
Lucinda Lucio Memorial Annual Scholarship
Mark and Mary Kendall Scholarship
Mary Ruff Remedial Students Scholarship
Maurine Summers Scholarship
Mazelle Kingbury Smith Scholarship
Mike Kelly Endowment Scholarship
Miriam E. Peterson Memorial Scholarship
National Western Stockshow Scholarship
Nestle Purina Scholarship
NoCo Manufacturing Annual Scholarship
Northern CO Credit Union (aka College Credit Union)
PDC Energy Scholarship
Phyllis Gosch Award
Platte Valley Fire District Foundation Scholarship
Road Knights Scholarship
Roberta Miller Nursing
Rosa Maria Memorial Scholarship
Roy L. Smith Memorial Automotive Technology Scholarship
Ruff Elementary Education Scholarship
Ryan Weeks Memorial Scholarship
Shane Stewart Scholarship
Single Parent Scholarship
State Farm Automotive Scholarship
The Hummel Family Foundation
The Kenneth “Bill” Martin CNA Scholarship
The Magnuson Family Scholarship
The Monarch Scholarship for Undocumented Students
The NoCo Manufacturing Partnership Annual Scholarship
Todd Family Foundation Scholarship
Trinity Episcopal Church / Stewart Family Scholarship
Uniited Methodist Women’s Scholarship
W. Youder Auto Collision Repair Scholarship
Walter (Sr.) & Anne Richter Nursing Endowment Scholarship
Walter (Sr.) and Anne Richter Nursing Scholarship
Wells Fargo Scholarship
William F. Hartman Memorial Scholarship


A FAFSA is required to determine a student’s eligibility for all federal loan types.

Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan (DIRECT): A variable interest rate (up to 6.8%) loan that is based on documented financial need. The U.S. Department of Education is the lender. A fee of up to 1.08% of the loan amount is deducted proportionately from each loan disbursement. Interest is paid on the loan by the U.S. Government so long as you are enrolled at least half-time during eligible periods of deferment. You are responsible for the payment of interest that begins to accrue from the time you are no longer enrolled half-time until the loan is paid in full, with the exception of eligible periods of deferment.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan (DLUNSB): A variable interest rate (up to 6.8%) loan that is not based on documented financial need. The U.S. Department of Education is the lender. A fee of up to 1.08% of the loan amount is deducted proportionately from each loan disbursement. You are responsible for the payment of interest that begins to accrue from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (DPLUS): This is a loan where the parent of a dependent undergraduate student can borrow to help pay for their student’s educational costs less other aid being offered. This is a credit-based loan and a separate application is required ( The U.S. Department of Education is the lender. This loan has a variable interest rate (up to 8.25%) and the repayment of the loan will begin within 60 days of being fully disbursed. Interest will begin to accrue once the first disbursement of the loan has been made. A fee of up to 4% of the loan amount is deducted proportionately from each loan disbursement.

Alternative Educational Loans: Aims Community College is approved with a number of lenders for our students to apply for loan funding to assist them in meeting their educational costs. These loan products are not backed by the U.S. Department of Education.


A FAFSA is required to determine a student’s eligibility for all work-study programs.

Federal Work-Study: A Federal funded work program with a portion of the funds contributed by the college. Awards are made only to students who have documented financial need. On and off-campus jobs, with non-profit agencies, are available.

Colorado Work-Study: Funding by the Colorado General Assembly for an employment program awarded to undergraduate Colorado residents with documented financial need. On and off-campus jobs, with non-profit agencies, are available.

Colorado No-Need Work-Study: Funding by the Colorado General Assembly for an employment program awarded to a limited number of undergraduate Colorado residents without documented financial need. On and off-campus jobs, with non-profit agencies, are available.

Veterans Benefits

Veteran education benefits:

  • Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill®
  • Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program
  • Chapter 33 Post 9-11 GI Bill®
  • Chapter 35 (DEA) Dependents Educational Assistance Program
  • Chapter 1606 Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill®

are administered through the Financial Aid Office. The VA Certifying Official is available to address the needs of the veteran students and eligible dependents. VA benefit programs change frequently, so we hope you will seek the advice of our VA Certifying Official when applying for your benefits.

Visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website at for more information about specific programs and their eligibility requirements.

If you believe you may be eligible for benefits, you should contact Financial Aid at least 12 weeks before enrolling to allow for adequate application processing time by Aims and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Complete an Enrollment Certification Request Form for each semester of enrollment. Failure to do so will result in no payment of benefits. Forms are available from the Financial Aid Office in Greeley, and at the Loveland, Fort Lupton, and Windsor campuses. The forms are also available on the Aims website at the VA webpage. They should be returned to the Financial Aid Office after you register and have met with your academic advisor.

Your VA benefits will vary based on the type of benefit, your contract, and the number of credit hours you are enrolled for each semester. Visit the GI BILL® website at for current rates.

To keep your VA benefits current, it is important you report any change in program or enrollment status to the Aims VA certifying official as soon as it happens. Failure to do so may result in you being overpaid. Funds you are not eligible for must be repaid to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Department aggressively pursues collection of overpayments.

You are responsible for having a DD-214 and an official academic transcript from each college, university, trade or vocational school you previously attended sent to the Admissions, Registration and Records Office. Transcripts are evaluated to determine if any transfer credits can be accepted toward your Aims program of study.