Classes requiring payment of a lab or course fee will be designated in the registration materials.
Active duty members of the U. S. Armed Forces (and their dependents) residing in Colorado on a permanent change-of-station status and honorably-discharged veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces may be eligible for in-state tuition rates. Contact the Admissions & Records Office for details.
Complete information regarding residency is available in the Admissions & Records Office, where students may obtain a Change of Residency Petition. The final petition must be submitted and approved prior to registration.

Tuition and Fee Payment Policy
By applying for admission, registering for classes or allowing charges to be added to their account, students represent to us that they have the intention and ability to pay, and they promise to pay for all charges placed on their account as well as any service charges or collection costs, if any, that may be due.
Payment policy is as follows:
First Payment Deadline:
Students need to have at least one of the following completed by the first payment deadline or all their classes will be dropped automatically at 10:00 p.m. that night of the First Payment Deadline:
Pay in Full
Sign up online for E-Cashier Payment Plan
Be awarded Financial Aid
Submit private scholarship paperwork
Submit 3rd Party paperwork
Submit UNC/CSU Cooperative Agreement
Students who have their course dropped for non payment will need to re-register for courses and complete one of the above or again be dropped from all courses. Required paperwork is to be submitted to the appropriate office by the Payment Deadline or at time of registration.
*Please note: If you required down payment fails to process with e-cashier, your classes may be dropped and your e-cashier contract will be terminated.
By Add/Drop Deadline
Students registering after the First Payment Deadline for the semester need to complete at least one of the following same day of registration or all their classes will be dropped automatically at 10:00 p.m. that night through the Add/Drop period for the semester.
Pay in Full
Sign up online for E-Cashier Payment Plan
Be awarded Financial Aid
Submit private scholarship paperwork
Submit 3rd Party paperwork
Submit UNC/CSU Cooperative Agreement
Students who have their courses dropped for non payment will need to re-register for courses and complete one of the above or again be dropped from all courses. Required paperwork is to be submitted to the appropriate office by the Deadlines or at time of registration.
*Please note: If you required down payment fails to process with e-cashier, your classes may be dropped and your e-cashier contract will be terminated.
After Add/Drop Deadline
All students that register after the Add/ Drop Deadline must have paid their entire (100%) tuition and fee balance for the term by the Final payment deadline. Please check web site for current dates and deadlines. Students who have not paid 100% of their tuition & fees by final payment deadline will have a hold placed on their account, and be required to make full payment for those courses. In addition, the student will not be allowed to register for future courses or receive transcripts until the outstanding balance is paid in full. In addition, if the student is registered for a future semester and owes a balance for the current semester as of the Final Payment Deadline, then the student may be at risk of being dropped from all future courses and placed on Financial hold until the balance is paid in full.
It is the student’s responsibility to pick up his/her combined bill/schedule at the time of registration, add, drop, or withdrawal. Subsequent billing statements will be sent via e-mail to the student’s e-mail addresses. Payment is due at the Cashier’s Office on or before due dates shown on the billing statement.
Payments from financial aid will be automatically posted to the billing account.
A service charge of 1.75% of the unpaid balance will be added to the student’s account if not paid in full by the Final Payment due date by the Cashier’s office. Accounts that are reported to Aims by the E-Cashier as a delinquent or inactive status will be placed on Financial hold at the time of the report from the E-Cashier web site. Service charges are figured on the student’s account by applying the service charge rate to the balance that is owed at the payment due date. The annual percentage rate (APR) that corresponds to this service charge is 21%. In addition to its internal processes, please be advised that the college also uses external collection services to pursue unpaid amounts. The fee for such services will be added to outstanding balances.
Refer To the Website for Specific Due Dates and Up Dated Information
- Payments may be made in cash, Money Order, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card. E-check is available through the FACTS e-cashier. Cashier will accept personal, one-party checks in the amount of charges only. Temporary counter checks are no longer accepted by the College. A valid driver’s license is required. Every check returned to the College will be collected by CrediCheck. Checks will not be accepted from students who have written or submitted two or more returned checks to the College. In addition, checks declined by the Check Verification System, sponsored by Credit Check, will not be accepted as payment.
- PAYMENT PLAN OPTION: Students may also pay their tuition and fees through installments. Installment dates and payment information can be found at
Final payment deadline……….Balance due ***ALL accounts with a balance after the Final payment deadline are assessed with a 1.75% service fee and are placed on Financial hold until account is paid in full. Students planning on registering for the next semester need to have all outstanding balances paid in full.***
- Self-Supporting/Continuing Education Classes: Tuition and fees for these classes are due upon registration.
- Students Sponsored by a Third Party Agency:
- A valid letter of sponsorship is required to be on file in Accounts Receivable office. The valid letter needs to be on file by the payment deadlines, as specified in our current publication, in order to prevent classes from being dropped.
- Students are required to make arrangements for agency billing with Cashier’s Office in accordance with payment deadlines.
- Students are responsible for any charges not covered by their Agency and are subject to late fees and refund guidelines.
- Third Party tuition authorizations are generally posted within 30-45 days AFTER the Add/Drop Deadline to the student account.
- Questions? Call Cashier’s Office, 970.339.6349 or e-mail aimsaccountsrec@
- Each student is responsible for payment of his/her own expenses. The College is not responsible for making payment arrangements with parents, guardians, international agencies, or other third parties.
Financial Obligations of Students
The financial obligations of students to the college, such as payments for tuition, fees, and books, are due and payable on specific dates or at the time the obligations are incurred. Students will not be allowed to register, graduate, or receive transcripts of courses completed unless all financial obligations to the college have been met. See web site for updated information and specific due dates.
Hope Scholarship, (Tax Credit), and Lifetime Learning Credit
The HOPE Tax Credit and Lifetime Credit, included in the Federal Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, promises to make education at community colleges even more affordable than it has been in the past.
HOPE, which took effect January 1, 1998, is actually a tax credit, NOT a scholarship. It allows students pursuing the first two years of post secondary education to receive a federal income tax credit of 100% of the first $1,000 of tuition and fees and 50% of the second $1,000. The Lifetime Learning Credit is available for qualified tuition and related expenses paid after June 30, 1998.
For the tax credit, students must be enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours) in a degree, certificate or other program leading to recognized education credential.
The tax credit applies only to tuition and fees, not to books or other expenses.
HOPE and Lifetime Learning does come with a few rules attached. Many rules regarding each of these are still being finalized.
For detailed information, please consult your tax advisor. |