Mar 13, 2025
Catalog 2010-2011, Final Edition [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MAT 156 - Integrated Math II [MA1]Credits: 3 This course includes the study of the fundamentals of probability,
statistics, and informal Euclidean geometry suitable for K-8 curriculum,
employing laboratory techniques where applicable. This course is a state
guaranteed transfer course GT-MA1. Prerequisite(s): MAT 155 or MAT
099 or assessment. Three credits.
NOTE: In order to receive General Education credit for Integrated Math
courses as part of the Elementary Education Articulation Agreement,
students must complete both MAT 155 and MAT156. Successful
completion of both MAT 155 and MAT 156 will satisfy all General
Education requirements in the Mathematics category for the A.A. degree
under the Elementary Education Articulation Agreement.